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Curriculum Vitae





​Selected Publications

Reed, S.  & Forbes, A. (2024). Hero shots: The hero myth as a visual frame in American television coverage of Lance ArmstrongElectronic News, 18(1), 3-24.


Reed, S. (2023). 'The lessons of 9/11 haven't been learned': World Trade Center Cough Syndrome reframed as a national news item during COVID-19 pandemic. Newspaper Research Journal, 44(3), 361-379.


Reed, S., & Harker, J. (2022). Dope and deny: A Comparative study of news frames in American and Russian coverage of American and Russian athletes. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15(3), 242-254.


Reed, S. (2019). Who is to blame? An examination of American sports journalists’ Lance Armstrong Hero narrative and post-doping confession paradigm repair. Journal of Sports Media, 14(2), 67-91.


Reed, S., & Harrison, G. (2019). "Insider Dope" and NBA trade coverage: A case study of unnamed sourcing in sports journalism. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(3), 419-430.


Reed, S. (2018). Practice makes perfect? A longitudinal study of experiential learning in sports journalism. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication, 8(2), 38-46.


Reed, S. (2018). Boosters or watchdogs? American sports journalists’ perception of their professional roles. Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, 1(1).


Reed, S. (2018). “I’m not a fan. I’m a journalist”: Measuring American sports journalists’ sports enthusiasm. Journal of Sports Media, 13(1), 27-47.


Reed, S. (2015). Four Areas of Collegiate Student-Athlete Privacy Invasion. Communication & Sport, 3(3), 348-363.


Reed, S., & Hansen, K. A. (2013). Social Media’s Influence on American Sports Journalists’ Perception of Gatekeeping. International Journal of Sport Communication, 6(4), 373-383.


Reed, S. (2013). American Sports Writers’ Social Media Use and its Influence on Professionalism. Journalism Practice, 7(5), 555-571.


Reed, S. (2011). Sports Journalists’ Use of Social Media and its Effects on Professionalism. Journal of Sports Media, 6(2), 43-64.

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